The Victory Museum
It is the main military and historical museum of Russia dedicated to the themes of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. It is one of the largest military history museums in the world, and an all-Russian research, cultural, and educational center. Today the museum is one of the leading institutions in countering attempts to falsify history and serves as a center for patriotic upbringing of new generations.
The partnership agreement with the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" (Victory Museum) was signed on November 7, 2022

The document emphasizes that cooperation between the parties is aimed at expanding cultural approaches to the patriotic upbringing of the society based on historical events and the landmark victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. It seeks to contribute to the all-round harmonious development of personality, strengthen patriotic upbringing of the society, promote peace and international cooperation, and foster a positive perception of Russia in the world.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
It is an international non-governmental organization aimed at creating a social integration model in the name of promoting peace and harmony through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy in the Eurasian region. The Assembly unites representatives of more than 53 countries. The organization has concluded more than 170 partnership agreements in the fields of culture, entrepreneurship, development of integration ties between the peoples of Eurasia and public diplomacy.
The cooperation agreement with the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Assembly of Eurasian Peoples" was signed on December 1, 2022

The subject of the agreement is cooperation and interaction aimed at supporting public and state initiatives, events and actions aimed at strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, and fostering the dialogue between peoples, including through the development of relevant projects and programs in the sphere of international cooperation, as well as conducting charitable, cultural and educational events.